Deane’s Personal Blog By Deane Barker • This blog is very sporadically updated. Also, note that this is my personal blog. You might want my technical blog instead. Out on Zzyzx Road DateDecember 29, 2020 Words1,927 The story of a few minutes I spent on the side of a road. Dropping Mics DateDecember 22, 2020 Words1,560 We don’t need to actually be right. We just need to feel like it. The Media and The Truth(s) DateJuly 20, 2020 Words1,423 There is no one truth about anything. Everything is filtered. On Local Food DateNovember 12, 2019 Words720 I try to have “authentic” culinary experiences while traveling, but it’s not that simple. The Nicest Thing Anyone Has Done For Me DateOctober 20, 2019 Words421 A story about an act of kindness done to me, and how hard it might have been for the giver. On Moral Hazard DateOctober 19, 2019 Words696 The article discusses the Ukrainian impeachment crisis, focusing on the allegations that Donald Trump withheld military aid to Ukraine in exchange for an investigation into Joe Biden’s son. The author criticizes the Trump Administration’s response, suggesting that political influence in foreign policy is common and that the absence of consequences encourages irresponsible behavior. The author argues that without consequences, politicians are free to engage in illegal behavior, and that this approach is indicative of a lack of objective standards in American politics. Breaking The Tyranny of Three Meals a Day DateMay 18, 2019 Words1,038 The author discusses the concept of “preemptive eating,” a method of eating small portions in the moment to avoid hunger, rather than eating full meals at every sitting. This approach, which the author finds to be beneficial, allows for a wider variety of food, less temptation to overeat, and less mental focus on food. The author also mentions that The Economist’s Diet recommends against the idea of multiple meals a day, as it increases temptation and has no scientific proof of its benefits. I Miss You DateApril 13, 2019 Words1,826 Thoughts on middle-age male friendship, or the lack thereof. Anecdotes vs. Principles DateMarch 25, 2019 Words598 The author is struggling with the book “The Secret World: A History of Intelligence,” which is primarily a collection of anecdotes about global espionage. They argue that history is not just about anecdotes, but also about larger lessons and principles, and that the book lacks an introduction with larger principles to guide the reader. They compare this to the book “The Book of Basketball,” by Bill Simmons, which emphasized the importance of teamwork over individual success. Doing Something Poorly DateMarch 5, 2019 Words455 The document discusses the saying “Everything worth doing is worth doing poorly,” suggesting that even if one’s efforts are not perfect, they can still provide benefits. It uses the example of exercise, suggesting that some effort is better than no exercise, and encourages continuous progress, even if it’s inconsistent. The document also references the “ Swiss Cheese Model of pandemic defense,” which suggests that preventative measures are cumulative and can help stop transmission, even if they have multiple holes. The Core Ideological Conflict: Top-Down vs. Bottom-Up DateOctober 3, 2016 Words1,036 The ideological divide between conservatives and liberals is primarily about the approach to society. Liberals believe that society can be improved through government intervention, while conservatives believe that societal improvement can only be achieved through individual action. The argument is that humans are inherently flawed and resist coercion, and that government intervention can only prevent mutual destruction. Why the Wealthy Subsidize the Tax Burden of the Middle and Lower Class DateFebruary 10, 2016 Words815 The author suggests that the U.S. economy requires a significant number of Americans to be irresponsible with their money, as their irresponsible spending helps keep the economy functioning. They argue that if these Americans were to become more responsible with their money, the economy would collapse. The author suggests that if the wealthy were to pay more in taxes, it might be better for them to do so, as it would allow the middle and lower class to continue their irresponsible behavior. The Conservative Case for Drug Price Controls? DateJanuary 24, 2016 Words323 The author discusses the concept of drug price controls, referencing the book “Rise of the Robots” by the author. The author suggests that the U.S. is effectively subsidizing lower prices in other countries due to drug companies negotiating prices with national governments. The author questions why this is not more disturbing to Americans, particularly conservatives, and questions whether price controls could be a viable solution. Feeding Children in Mali DateDecember 26, 2015 Words367 The author shares a story from a book called “Triggers: Creating Behavior That Lasts” by a motivational speaker, which recounts a harrowing experience in Mali. The story involves a Red Cross professional in the Sahara Desert, who was using a triage system to distribute food to children aged two to sixteen, based on their arm size. The author finds the story deeply distressing and painful, and keeps a photo of the event to remember it. New Word: “Variegated” and In-Group/Out-Group Bias DateNovember 29, 2015 Words166 The term “varied” is an adjective related to colors, suggesting a series of discrete states or gradients. It is used in the context of “In-Group/Out-Group” bias, where individuals tend to view their “in-group” as diverse and complex, while viewing the “out-group” as homogeneous and monolithic. The concept is discussed in the book “The Organised Mind”. Not All “Likes” Are Created Equal DateJanuary 5, 2015 Words511 The author shares his struggle with Facebook’s impact on his self-esteem and insecurity, leading him to quit the platform. He shares his struggle with the urge to share content, and how he is now realizing that not all “Likes” are created equal. He encourages others to resist the superficiality of social media platforms and to value the “Likes” of those who are truly important to them. Embedded Racial Bias DateJanuary 4, 2015 Words218 The article discusses various studies that suggest embedded, possibly subconscious racism is still prevalent, even in seemingly benign situations. These include doctors being less likely to recommend cardiac catheterization to black patients, black people being offered higher initial prices for used cars, and white people being less likely to respond to constituents with African-American names. The article also mentions an experiment where a white hand holding an iPod received 21% more offers than a black hand. Reading Shakespeare DateDecember 25, 2014 Words684 The author shares their experience of reading Shakespeare, starting with The Merchant of Venice, and the challenges they faced due to the complexity of the language and minimal stage direction. They suggest that watching a performance of the play, along with reading the text, could provide more context and understanding, although they also express concerns about the play’s anti-Semitic depiction of Jews. Teaching True North DateDecember 10, 2014 Words943 The author reflects on his own journey as a young adult and the lessons he learned from his mother’s influence on his life. He reflects on how his mother guided him through his early years, guiding him towards personal responsibility and the right path, even when he was directionless. The author concludes by emphasizing the importance of teaching children about “true north,” and hopes to do the same for his own children. Where is your Iceland? DateDecember 6, 2014 Words505 The article discusses the plot of the 1932 novel “ Brave New World,” which describes a society that promotes conformity and silences creativity and individuality. The main characters, Bernard Marx and Hermholtz Watson, are exiled from their societal home to islands like Iceland, where they can live with other individuals who are not satisfied with conformity. The author suggests that the beauty in conformity is not in conformity, but in individuality and creativity. States’ Rights and the Scope of Government DateNovember 28, 2014 Words1,976 The document discusses the ongoing debate in the United States about the size, scope, and strength of government. It highlights the concept of states rights, which argue for smaller, more localized government that can better address the needs of the governed. The document also explains the concept of the Federal Government as the Supreme Law of the Land, the concept of the Supreme Court ruling on the issue, and the concept of states’ rights as a check on the federal government. Charity and Personal Responsibility DateNovember 20, 2014 Words1,108 The article discusses the debate over the balance between government charity and personal responsibility in providing aid to the economically challenged. It highlights that both liberals and conservatives believe in greater charity and personal responsibility, but their views often fall short due to the varying reasons why people are poor. The author suggests that both sides have created strawmen for each other, and that the issue of who should be given charity and who should not is likely to be resolved in the future. The Politics of Getting Re-elected DateNovember 14, 2014 Words2,420 The article discusses the politics of getting re-elected, highlighting how politicians respond to incentives and often act against their better judgment. It explains that politicians need the support of their party, a lot of money, and the support of their constituents to take actions that influence their actions while in office. The article also highlights the role of special interests and pork barrel politics in influencing politicians’ actions. Why Labels Matter DateNovember 14, 2014 Words806 The article discusses the importance of political labels such as “conservative” and “liberal” for politicians to get elected. It explains that voters prefer to categorize things easily and want to know how a politician will handle future issues, which is why they prefer a political party to an individual candidate. The article also highlights the difficulty of non-aligned candidates getting elected due to the difficulty in identifying with their own philosophy. Labels and Contexts DateNovember 13, 2014 Words664 The terms “conservative” and “liberal” have different contexts and can be applied in different ways depending on the issues being discussed. In fiscal policy, conservatives believe in minimal government involvement, while liberals believe in regulation and increased taxation. In social policy, conservatives support traditional values, while liberals support more regulation and less defense spending. On the Interestingness and Usefulness of Books DateNovember 12, 2014 Words931 The author discusses the difference between “ interesting but not useful” books and “ useful but not interesting” books. They note that while “ interesting but not usefulness” books can be entertaining and educational, they may not leave a lasting impression on the reader. The author concludes that while they would prefer both, “ interesting but not usefulness” could be beneficial over a longer term. Evaluating Externalities DateNovember 8, 2014 Words1,052 The document discusses the concept of “externalities” in politics and economics, which are side effects of actions that affect a party who did not choose to be affected. It explains that evaluating an externality involves two main aspects: assessing the degree of the externality and comparing it to the benefit provided by the action causing the externality. The document uses the example of an environmental issue like toxic fumes from a factory and an abortion, highlighting the difficulty in agreeing on the degree of damage caused and the benefits provided by these externalities. The Individual vs. The Community DateNovember 7, 2014 Words568 The article discusses how personal political philosophy is influenced by how individuals relate to their larger community. It highlights that conservatives view the individual as the prime movers, while liberals see the collective as the prime movers. The article also highlights the differences in political views across different countries, such as the United States, Britain, and Europe, which are influenced by differing perspectives on individual freedom and social solidarity. Effort and Potential DateOctober 15, 2014 Words1,070 The article discusses the “10,000 Hour Rule,” which suggests that it takes 10,000 hours of practice to master anything. The author questions the validity of this theory, arguing that some people are naturally smarter than others and that practice only amplify natural ability. The article also suggests that the focus should be on genuine effort, not results, and that societal inequality can be justified by blaming everyone for their situation. The Human Connection and the Lack of Corporate Morality DateOctober 13, 2014 Words1,529 The article discusses the lack of corporate morality, comparing the human connection of ownership in companies like IBM and Blend Interactive to the lack of moral responsibility in large corporations. It argues that corporations, due to their size and the financial market’s evolution, are designed to act in the interests of profit, with the only objective standard being profit. The author suggests that as the number of owners increases, the need for moral leadership and the desire to act for the good of others becomes more remote. Why Marketing Bothers Me DateOctober 9, 2014 Words305 The author expresses dissatisfaction with two aspects of marketing: overstating product value and creating unnecessary needs by making people feel inadequate. They argue that while some marketing practices are beneficial, they often lead to unnecessary purchases and contribute to societal problems. Gratifying Narrative Syndrome DateOctober 6, 2014 Words825 The document discusses “Glitifying Narrative Syndrome,” a human tendency to confirm narratives that are emotionally or psychologically gratifying. It explains that confirmation bias, also known as “myside bias,” is the tendency to selectively gather or remember information in a way that confirms one’s beliefs or hypotheses. The document also suggests that these narratives may be spreading virally, similar to a meme, as they provide a satisfying “click” when new information fits into a larger framework. The Rich and Their Effect on the Cost of Living DateOctober 5, 2014 Words560 The article discusses the impact of the wealthy on the cost of living, arguing that their demand for urban living is leading to increased rents and pushing the lower class out of downtown areas. The author suggests that the wealth of the wealthy indirectly drains the finances of the lower-class, as their ability to afford high rents means a market for more expensive housing, leading to an increase in average rents. The author concludes that the problem arises when the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, and the cost of living increases with them. The Myth of Water Consumption DateOctober 4, 2014 Words458 The common belief that one should drink eight glasses of water per day is a long-standing medical myth, first suggested in a 1945 publication by the National Food and Nutrition Board. However, studies have found no scientific evidence supporting this recommendation, suggesting that most people get most of their water from solid food and that increased fluid intake may not necessarily be beneficial. The Validity of The Lesser of Two Evils DateOctober 2, 2014 Words486 The article argues that when considering environmental options, it’s important to consider the alternative or default. It cites a study that suggests replacing fossil fuels with nuclear power could prevent more deaths than it causes, and that the alternative, even if imperfect, might be worse. The author uses the example of corporate farming and organic farming, arguing that while both may be undesirable, they provide a significant amount of food and are not perfect. Defining It DateOctober 1, 2014 Words358 The document discusses the concept of politics, suggesting that it is fundamentally about shared resources. It suggests that politics is the rules we establish for the sharing of resources, such as resources like sunlight or resources like roads or military. The document also further narrows the definition to the pursuit of fairness in this sharing, but notes that determining fairness can lead to issues of political worldview. RIP Phil Hartman DateSeptember 30, 2014 Words197 The document discusses the career and legacy of Phil Hartman, a renowned comedian who was known for his ability to mimic any accent and play various roles. The author mourns the loss of Hartman, who was a potential Hall of Famer, and suggests that his legacy could have been significant if not for injury. The document also provides examples of Hartman’s work, including his performances with Jon Lovitz, the Anal Retentive Chef, and Officer Miller. The U.S. Economy is Complex and Slow-Moving DateSeptember 27, 2014 Words822 The author argues that it’s disingenuous to attribute the welfare of the country at a specific time to the sitting president, due to the complexity and slow-moving nature of the U.S. economy. They argue that the U.S economy is likely the second most complex in the world, with numerous potential inputs, processes, and outputs, which make direct correlation impossible. The author questions whether four or eight years of a presidential administration is enough for a president to enact policies that have a significant effect on the U.S economic, and suggests that the economy is not as nimble and immediate as people like to believe. What is Newsworthy? DateSeptember 26, 2014 Words414 The author discusses the role of the media in determining what is considered “newsworthy”, highlighting the role of the gatekeeper effect and the influence of access to news on public opinion. They explain that the media considers factors such as insufficient or unsubstantiated information, competition, budget constraints, publisher influence, proximity, prominence, usefulness, future impact, and the underdog. The author concludes that newsworthiness is not as straightforward as it may seem, and that journalism holds itself to a well-tested criterion of news values to determine a story’s newsworthiness. Why Johnny Can’t Find a Job DateSeptember 25, 2014 Words349 The video, shown at a Rotary lunch by the president of a local technical school, emphasizes that college isn’t for everyone and that success should be based on a love for the work and a good income potential. It also highlights the fact that increasing the number of college graduates does not automatically create jobs, and introduces the term “gray collar jobs” to describe jobs that require a certificate or associate’s degree but not a bachelor’s degree. The video also raises concerns about the lack of breadth in technical education. Adventures in Litigation Financing DateSeptember 24, 2014 Words410 The article discusses the concept of litigation financing, where investors fund legal fees for plaintiffs they believe will win, and then take a cut of the proceeds. This was exemplified in a case involving an ex-executive from AIG who is suing the government over the AIG bailout, with investors contributing about 15% of the legal costs. The article also mentions that hedge funds also invest in lawsuits, with one firm raising $260 million for a fund that only invests in litigation between institutions. Risk Compensation: Why We’re Not As Safe as We Feel DateSeptember 23, 2014 Words431 The theory of risk compensation, as outlined in Jeff Speck’s book, suggests that people adjust their behavior based on perceived risk levels, leading to less caution when there is greater risk and more caution when there is more protection. This can lead to a lower net benefit than expected from safety interventions, as seen in cases such as people being less careful with childproof medicine, people driving faster with seatbelts, and drivers following closely behind others with anti-lock brakes. The theory also applies to the shift from driving on the left to the right in Sweden in 1967, which initially led to a drop in traffic fatalities, only to return to previous levels three years later. Road Capacity, Traffic Problems, and Induced Demand DateSeptember 20, 2014 Words416 The article discusses the concept of “induced demand” in city planning, which suggests that if you build it, they will come. It cites a study that shows that a 10% increase in lane miles leads to an immediate 4% increase in vehicle miles traveled, which increases to 10% in a few years. The article also suggests that road congestion can actually save fuel, as the frustration of being stuck in traffic often keeps people home, suggesting that the solution to traffic and environmental problems may not be building more roads. Why Fun Isn’t Always “Fun” DateJanuary 1, 2014 Words1,050 The author discusses the concept of “fun” as one ages, noting that it becomes diluted and sometimes indistinguishable from achievement or purpose. He uses his own experiences as an example, highlighting that his hobbies, such as CrossFit and reading, often have ulterior motives such as fitness or personal growth. The author emphasizes the need for activities that are purely enjoyable for their own sake, and encourages adults to find their own unique forms of fun. Muscles, Movements, CrossFit, and Zombies DateMarch 24, 2013 Words1,436 The author discusses the shift in emphasis from the American exercise industry, which is muscle-centric to CrossFit, which is movement-centric. CrossFit focuses on improving at movements, not just individual muscles, and while muscle development is incidental, it is crucial for improving at the movement itself. The author uses the example of the Toes 2 Bar movement, which is not designed to isolate specific muscles, but to perform a movement well. The Illogic of Red Light Cameras DateMarch 19, 2013 Words314 The author expresses their opposition to traffic cameras that take pictures of cars that speed or run red lights, then send them a ticket. They argue that these cameras are flawed because they cannot reliably identify the driver who violated the law, as the images taken by the cameras are not clear enough to identify the driver. The author argues that the system should not issue tickets to vehicles, but to drivers, and that the camera should not be used unless it can accurately identify the driver. The Plight of the Christian Democrat DateNovember 4, 2012 Words373 The author expresses frustration over the perceived ostracization of Christian Democrats, who are often assumed to be Republicans in many churches. They argue that theological conservatism and political/social conservatism are separate concepts, and that their Democratic party affiliation does not necessarily mean they agree with all aspects of the Democratic Party. The author emphasizes that their political opinions are based on discernment, not agreement with all aspects of a situation. Individual vs. Group Focus DateMay 30, 2012 Words204 The document discusses the difference between a focus on the group and an individual, using the example of Neal Boortz’s commencement speech. It highlights the differing views of liberals and conservatives, with the former believing in group rights and the latter advocating for individual rights and protection. The author also notes that while group focus can sometimes be beneficial, this fundamental difference is not often discussed in American politics. The Power of the Persona You Give Yourself DateFebruary 18, 2012 Words1,185 The author discusses the importance of self-image in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, particularly in relation to weight loss. He shares his experience of losing 80-90 pounds over 13 months by viewing himself as an athlete, which led to a significant increase in his weight. However, after a week in Europe, he realized he had shifted his self-image to that of a couch potato, which led to an increase in his weight and a decrease in his workout routine. Unpacking The Invisible Knapsack DateJanuary 22, 2012 Words459 The essay “Unpacking The Invisible Knapsack” by professor Al Wellesley discusses the perceived racial and gender privileges enjoyed by white people. The author acknowledges these privileges but criticizes the essay’s tone of conspiracy and the use of the term “oppress” and “oppressor”. They also express concern about the use of these terms implying active force and the need for more evidence to support this claim. The Imperfections of Freedom DateJanuary 14, 2012 Words363 The author discusses their experience with Ron Paul’s book, Liberty Defined, a collection of essays on 50 key issues affecting freedom. They express mixed opinions on Paul’s views, agreeing with some but disagreeing with others, and criticizing his writing style. However, they appreciate a line from the book that emphasizes the need for tolerance and understanding of the imperfections of freedom, and the limitations of government intervention. Why Money Can Kill Motivation DateJanuary 2, 2012 Words275 The Overjustification Effect explains why money can sometimes hinder motivation. Research suggests that the average income required for happiness and emotional well-being in America is $75,000 a year, and increasing income does not enhance happiness, enjoyment, sadness, or stress. It also suggests that getting paid for something can make us less enjoyable, as we start to evaluate our work in light of that compensation. Statutory vs. Effective Tax Rate DateDecember 31, 2011 Words694 The document discusses the difference between the statutory and effective tax rate. The statutory tax rate is the tax imposed by law, while the effective tax rate is the percentage of income paid in taxes. The document suggests that the statutory tax rate is just a starting point, and the effective tax rate should be considered for a more accurate picture of the tax burden. Why Taxes are Going to Go Up DateDecember 26, 2011 Words403 The article argues that any meaningful debt reduction plan must include cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security, which currently make up 41% of federal spending. It also mentions that defense should be included in this discussion, as foreign aid and wasteful government regulations will not significantly reduce the deficit. However, the article notes that significant majorities of Americans, across all age groups and ideologies, oppose significant cuts to these programs, indicating that taxes will likely rise. Lowering Taxes Does Not Raise Revenue DateNovember 26, 2011 Words825 The author criticizes the conservative argument that cutting taxes increases government revenues. They argue that while tax cuts can stimulate the economy, they cannot offset the cut in revenue to the level required to offset the cut in tax revenue. The author cites studies showing that only a small percentage of the revenue loss from tax cuts can be offset by additional growth. The Ranger Test DateNovember 20, 2011 Words676 The author has committed to passing the U.S. Army Ranger entrance exam at the age of 40, a physical fitness test necessary for consideration for Ranger School. The exam includes six benchmarks, including 49 pushups, 59 sit-ups, six overhand chin-ups, a five-mile run in 40 minutes, a two-mile run in 15 minutes, and a 16-mile hike with 65 pounds of gear. The author has made progress in these areas and is confident they can meet the requirements. Political Representation Among the Lower Class DateAugust 28, 2011 Words242 A study from 2005 examined the political representation of U.S. senators among wealthy, middle-class, and poor constituents. The study found that senators were more responsive to the opinions of affluent constituents than to those of middle-class constituents, and that the opinions of constituents in the bottom third of the income distribution had no apparent statistical effect on their senators’ roll call votes. The author expressed concern over the disparities in representation, which could be troubling for those who believe in democracy. Finishing the Story DateJuly 30, 2011 Words371 Former President George W. Bush has explained his initial reaction to the 9/11 attacks, stating that it was a conscious decision to project calm during the crisis. The author criticizes the obsession with Bush’s reaction, particularly by Michael Moore, and argues that his actions did not suggest he was involved in the attacks. Why I Love “The Incredibles” DateJuly 19, 2011 Words546 The author expresses their love for “The Incredibles” for several reasons. They appreciate the story of Mr. Incredible’s transformation, the architecture of the island, the soundtrack, the voice work of Holly Hunter, the inventive action scenes, and the character Frozone. The author also appreciates the film’s 60s feel, its blend of super secret agent and superhero, and the character of the babysitter. Rules Are Rules DateMarch 5, 2011 Words849 The author discusses the consequences of breaking rules, using the examples of Brandon Davies, Bradley Manning, and Pete Rose. They argue that while the honor code at Brigham Young University was violated, it was a clear and unambiguous line that students chose to cross, and that the consequences should be seen as clear and unambiguous. The author also draws parallels between these cases and the consequences of betting on baseball games, arguing that the validity or value of the rules is not the issue, but the fact that they existed and had clear consequences. When the Majority Feels Oppressed DateMarch 5, 2011 Words565 Run, Donkey, Run DateFebruary 24, 2011 Words417 Democratic senators in Wisconsin have fled the state to avoid voting on a union-busting bill sponsored by the governor. This is not the first time Democrats have used this tactic, with Texas Democrats doing it in 2003 to block Republican efforts to redistrict the state. The author argues that this is a threat to representative democracy, as the losing party should participate in the governance process, even if it obstructs vital legislative work. Life Doesn’t Come with Cheerleaders DateFebruary 9, 2011 Words650 The author discusses his daughter Gabrielle’s approach to chores, where she stated that it didn’t matter if her work was good, only that she tried her best. He questions the influence of this approach in children, suggesting that it could lead to them thinking that their efforts are worthless in the real world. The author also warns that children should learn to take pride in their own accomplishments, as life doesn’t come with a built-in cheering squad. Fixing the System DateJanuary 28, 2011 Words1,235 The article discusses the potential of healthcare efficiency, highlighting two examples of healthcare systems that have implemented this approach. In Camden, New Jersey, a doctor identified the patients using the most healthcare resources and worked with them to improve their health, reducing their reliance on the system and overall costs. In Atlantic City, a union of casino employees also implemented this approach, resulting in a significant reduction in emergency-room visits and hospital admissions, and a significant increase in healthier patients. The Stupidity of the Rooney Rule DateJanuary 4, 2011 Words392 The document criticizes the NFL’s Rooney Rule, which mandates teams to interview minority coaches for open coaching positions. The author cites an example where the San Francisco 49ers, who have already agreed to hire Jim Harbaugh, are rushing to interview Oakland Raiders offensive coordinator Hue Jackson to meet the rule’s requirements. The author suggests that Jackson should refuse to interview with the 49ers, using the situation as an opportunity to prank the 49ers. Which political party is the “Christian party”? DateDecember 23, 2010 Words371 The Republican party has emerged as the “Christian” party in politics, possibly since the 1960s, as the public face of American religion turned right and political allegiances and religious observance became more aligned. This shift occurred as issues like abortion and homosexuality became more prominent on the national political agenda, and church attendance became the primary dividing line between Republicans and Democrats. The article suggests that the change occurred in 1964 when the Republican convention decided to become the Christian party to take control of the country, and that being a Democrat is often equated with being “Godless”. The Battle for Health Care Cost Savings DateNovember 22, 2010 Words492 The case against Blue Cross highlights the challenges of reducing health care costs, as any cost reduction is a threat to someone’s revenue stream. The case involves Theramatrix, a company that offered a 50% reduction in physical therapy costs for Ford, but Blue Cross allegedly used its position as the state’s dominant insurer to stop the expansion of Theramatrix’s program and bar it from the insurer’s medical provider network. The author criticizes politicians’ simplistic claims about reducing health care costs through efficiency, arguing that these claims are naive and that cost reductions will likely be slow and easily eaten up by inflation and other costs. It’s All About Perspective DateNovember 18, 2010 Words432 The article discusses the importance of perspective in life, using the example of a stranded cruise ship and its passengers’ negative descriptions of the experience. The author suggests that people should put things in perspective, considering the hardships they’ve experienced, such as the U.S. Navy’s rescue of the passengers. The article also touches on the cultural differences between “starving” and “starving”, and the impact of experiences like the one a daughter has had in a third-world country. Agriculture in South Dakota DateOctober 10, 2010 Words401 South Dakota’s largest crop is beef, with nearly 4 million head of cattle, followed by hog, but it is not in the top 5 producing states for any significant crop or livestock. The state’s largest industry is banking and financial services, not agriculture. Other major crops include corn, soybeans, wheat, and sunflowers, with South Dakota being the second largest producer of sunflower seeds and oil in the country. Tax Cuts for the Wealthy DateSeptember 12, 2010 Words1,428 The article discusses the concept of “tax cuts for the wealthy”, arguing that it is often portrayed as evil and that the wealthy actually pay the majority of taxes. It presents data showing that the top 1% of households, despite earning 19% of pre-tax income, paid 39% of all individual income taxes. The author criticizes the notion that the wealthy are exploiters or victims of exploitation, and argues that the wealthy are hardworking individuals who contribute significantly to the economy and society. The Next Bubble DateSeptember 10, 2010 Words373 The student loan bubble in the USA is predicted to burst, with total student loan debt surpassing credit card debt in the country at $850 billion. The student loan market is lucrative due to the government’s guarantee of the loans, which offers no risk to the lending institution and increases the pool of potential students for colleges. However, any tightening of the student loan market would be disastrous for colleges, causing tuition rates to fall. The Sad Truth About Climate Change DateSeptember 2, 2010 Words608 The author expresses skepticism about the ability of the human race to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions, despite the overwhelming evidence suggesting it is caused by human activities. They suggest that the most efficient approach may be to accept climate change and adapt to its effects, rather than trying to reduce emissions. The author acknowledges the need for global cooperation to address the issue, but concludes that this is unlikely to happen. The Byrd Rule DateAugust 16, 2010 Words455 The Bush tax cuts, including the income and estate tax cuts, are set to expire due to the Byrd Rule, a parliamentary rule that allows senators to block legislation that significantly increases the federal deficit more than 10 years in the future. This rule was adopted in 1985 and allows any senator to raise a procedural objection to legislation that affects the deficit more than a decade out, and if sustained, the provision at fault for raising the deficit is eliminated from the legislation unless a 60-vote majority says otherwise. The Supreme Court Should Be Blameless DateJune 28, 2010 Words441 The author expresses frustration over people praising or condemning the Supreme Court for its decisions, arguing that the Court should be blamed for its interpretation of the Constitution. They argue that the Court should not be allowed to think for itself, and that taking sides with or against the Court is an admission that the Court fails in its central role of impartial interpretation. The author suggests that if this is the case, the Court should be abolished. My Song for the Girls DateMay 16, 2010 Words76 The author shares a song he has been singing to his daughters since they were babies, which they have memorized and were singing back to him. The song, which is sung to the chorus of’O Solo Mio’, includes exaggerated endings to all the lines, which he believes is their favorite part. The author humorously suggests that Pavarotti wishes he could sing like him. The Unbundling of “Marriage” DateMay 12, 2010 Words928 The document discusses the concept of marriage as a contract, a romance, and a spiritual institution, and suggests that over the next 20 years, the government may decentralize its focus to the contractual, legal aspect of marriage, possibly replacing it with “civil unions” or “domestic partnerships.” This shift would strip away the romantic and spiritual aspects of marriage, leaving it more in the hands of individuals and their churches. The author acknowledges that this shift may disappoint some, but predicts that it will eventually lead to the legalization of gay marriage in all states. David Copperfield and the Disappearing Audience DateMay 5, 2010 Words594 The author attended a David Copperfield show at the Washington Pavilion and was impressed by his use of random participants in his tricks. The author was one of the 13 participants in a disappearing audience trick, which the author found to be intricately intricate and deceptive, despite the author’s initial skepticism about Copperfield’s abilities. The author now considers Copperfield a skilled entertainer and a fan of his work. Me and My Gas Guzzler DateApril 26, 2010 Words674 The author discusses their dilemma about driving a 1997 Jeep Grand Cherokee, which has a low gas mileage of 13 mph. They argue that selling the vehicle would not significantly impact the environment, and that even if it were to be destroyed, the new car would still be produced and used, with its own environmental costs. They also highlight the environmental impact of the Cash for Clunkers program, which led to the creation of a market for new cars. Leverage DateMarch 21, 2010 Words670 Thoughts on Avatar DateMarch 21, 2010 Words579 The author shares their thoughts on the film “Avatar”, expressing disappointment that it was not released in 3D. Despite enjoying the film’s CGI, action, and creative details, the author criticizes the film’s plot as cliched and doesn’t see it as a significant film. They also dismiss criticisms of the film’s portrayal of business and religion, stating that while it may portray some companies as evil, it doesn’t indict all companies. Why 51% Shouldn’t Be Enough DateMarch 21, 2010 Words398 The author expresses concern over the process of passing the health care bill in Congress, arguing that 51% of votes is insufficient for such a significant legislation. They compare the situation to a church hiring a new pastor, where a church would proceed with a two-thirds majority if a third of the congregation disagreed with the choice. The author criticizes the Democrats for pushing the bill through, citing the Republicans’ obstruction and the Democrats’ belief that this is their only chance to pass it. The (Original) Problems of Haiti DateJanuary 15, 2010 Words372 The article discusses the stark contrast between Haiti and the Dominican Republic, two neighbors on the same island. It attributes Haiti’s poor economic performance to factors such as a lack of rain, high population density due to French colonial rule, and deforestation during the 19th century. The Dominican Republic, on the other hand, was more attractive to Europeans and developed an export economy, while Haiti was left with a poor environment and a history of slavery. Excerpts from “Casino Royale” DateNovember 17, 2009 Words902 The author shares four excerpts from the original 1953 James Bond novel, “Casino Royale”, written by Ian Fleming. The excerpts reveal Fleming’s views on women and his own relationship with them, as well as Bond’s perspective on evil and the necessity of evil for the existence of good. The author recommends the book for its insight into the character and its plot, and recommends it as the most approachable of the Bond novels. Gate F11 at O’Hare DateNovember 4, 2009 Words343 Gate F11 at O’Hare airport in Chicago is a notorious hub for United Airlines passengers, particularly those traveling from Chicago to smaller Midwest destinations. The gate, which has six sub-gates, is described as a chaotic scene, with flights leaving about every 10 minutes and people often boarding at the same time. Despite the chaos, the author describes the area as home-like, particularly the location of the power outlets. Core Human Skills DateAugust 8, 2009 Words155 The document discusses the importance of developing “core human skills” to improve the quality of life and work. The skills identified include information-assimilation, writing, speaking, mathematics, decision-making, rapport, conflict-resolution, scenario-generation, planning, self-awareness, interaction, and skill acquisition. The author notes that while there are no entries for empathy, caring, spirituality, and emotional intelligence, they appreciate the list and have taken a step towards improving their skill-base by reading “Statistics in a Nutshell”. My Appendectomy DateAugust 1, 2009 Words1,170 The author recounts his experience of undergoing an appendix removal due to intense abdominal pain. Despite initial confusion about the cause of the pain, the pain eventually moved to the correct location, leading to the operation. After recovery, the author was discharged and was informed he would need a checkup in two weeks. High School Memories DateJuly 19, 2009 Words562 The Sad State of Political Commentary DateJune 24, 2009 Words550 The author, a liberal, expresses his frustration with political commentators, particularly Bill O’Reilly, Glenn Beck, Keith Olbermann, and Rachel Maddow, for their influence on the polarization of opinion and the predictability of leading cable news channels. He criticizes these commentators for their divisive behavior, their lack of empathy, and their tendency to take one side or the other, regardless of the merits. The author questions why society has surrendered its opinions to these commentators, despite acknowledging that their sides are not always right. How Companies Can Encourage Employee Health DateJune 20, 2009 Words490 Safeway has implemented an incentive program to encourage its employees to improve their health, offering them reduced annual premiums if they pass four tests. The article highlights that 70% of all health-care costs are directly due to behavior, with 74% of all costs confined to four chronic conditions (cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, and obesity) that are preventable. The Demonyms of the United Kingdom DateJune 7, 2009 Words184 The document discusses the different demonyms of the United Kingdom, which include British, English, Scottish, and Welsh. It clarifies that one can be English, Welsh, or Scottish and still be British. The document also mentions the issue of Northern Ireland, which is Irish but not British, and the concept of a demoonym. Why Health Care is So Expensive DateJune 7, 2009 Words855 The article “The Cost Conundrum” suggests that the high cost of medical care in McAllen, Texas, is due to doctors turning medicine into a business, ordering extra tests, services, and procedures to increase their fees and profit. The author, a physician, shares his personal experience of a child who was misdiagnosed and not treated properly, leading to unnecessary medical care. The author suggests that the issue will self-regulate when people and insurance companies can no longer afford the current rates. The High Cost of Being Poor DateMay 21, 2009 Words272 The article discusses the high cost of being poor, highlighting the inconvenience of shopping at corner stores with higher prices and limited options compared to wealthier areas. It suggests that the poor often substitute time for money, working long hours without earning much, and resort to methods like check-cashing and payday loan to manage their expenses. The article concludes by stating that even free time, considered a luxury, becomes more expensive in the poor’s world. Exactly who do you think your knee belongs to? DateMay 13, 2009 Words318 The article discusses the relationship between football players and their team doctors, suggesting that the qualifications for becoming a team doctor are questionable and may be influenced by the team’s financial offer. It also highlights the potential for the team doctor to be more loyal to the team than the player, potentially clearing them to play against their better judgment to please the owner. The relationship is detailed in the book “You’re okay, it’s just Bruise” by Rob Huizenga, who was the team doctor for the Oakland Raiders. The Corrupt Saga of Kwame Kilpatrick DateMay 13, 2009 Words1,059 The article discusses the scandal-ridden tenure of Kwame Kilpatrick, the disgraced mayor of Detroit. It details his alleged misuse of public funds, including an extramarital affair with his chief of staff, the use of city funds for personal vacations, and his alleged involvement in a murder investigation involving a stripper. The article also mentions his alleged assault on a police officer and his alleged involvement with a murder at a party in 2002. Adam vs Danny DateApril 11, 2009 Words308 The top two contestants on American Idol, Danny Gokey, a widowed church music director from Milwaukee, and Adam Lambert, a gay singer from West Hollywood, are predicted to face off in the final. Despite their strong talent, the author suggests that the final vote may become more about their lifestyles and contemporary culture, with both conservative Christian America and LGBT America expected to support their respective contestants. Real Food in a Fast Food World DateApril 11, 2009 Words624 The author reflects on his time working at a fast-food chain in the 80s, highlighting the high-quality food he enjoyed. He highlights the local and organic produce, hand-cut vegetables, and the handcrafted biscuits made by hand. The author also reflects on the shift towards efficiency in fast food production, and compares this to the quality of real food he enjoyed at a local bakery. The State of Aid in Africa DateApril 4, 2009 Words275 Foreign aid sometimes backfires and makes things worse over the long term. Thoughts on Monotheism DateApril 2, 2009 Words272 Some people believe the monotheistic faiths are all worshipping the same God. My Art Deco Connection DateMarch 11, 2009 Words148 I have always loved Art Deco, and there might be a weird reason why. I Miss Real Fire DateMarch 1, 2009 Words315 A reflection on burning wood. A Family Picture DateJanuary 9, 2009 Words392 Thoughts on why taking pictures matters. Needless Sex in Film and TV DateJanuary 8, 2009 Words451 I’m not against nudity in media, so long as it has a point. The Dark Side of Roger Ebert DateJanuary 4, 2009 Words1,310 Ebert was best when a movie pissed him off. Arrested Development DateDecember 28, 2008 Words434 A celebration of a great TV show. The Rise of Atheism DateDecember 27, 2008 Words480 Religion is diminishing for large segments of the population. “Downtown, where all the lights are bright.” DateDecember 26, 2008 Words1,218 If we had to re-make cities from scratch, would they have downtowns? Al, Give Me Absolution DateDecember 25, 2008 Words739 I know climate change is a problem. Tell me how I’m doing. “hard work needs a PR campaign” DateDecember 24, 2008 Words334 Not everyone needs to go to college. Seven Things DateDecember 24, 2008 Words312 A response to a meme. My Encounter with an Enzo DateJuly 6, 2006 Words336 One day, I drove up on a million-dollar car. Diplomas and Value Judgments DateJune 28, 2006 Words442 Not graduating from high school causes people to judge you, for all sorts of reasons. Clinically Proven DateJune 17, 2006 Words93 A rant about the dumbest phrase in marketing. Of Tumors and Borders DateJune 17, 2006 Words339 The human condition is universal. Solving the Working Poor DateApril 15, 2006 Words721 Improving the plight of the working poor can be a trickier problem than you think.