Content tagged with “bible”
There are 20 item(s) tagged with “bible” on this site.
“A Biblical practice meaning someone is sanctified or set apart. There’s a great deal of information about what the practice signifies and symbolizes, but very little about any original reason for the practice. Things that are symbolic are usually rooted it some practical purpose, but I could find…”
“ This technically means ‘before the Great Flood.’ ‘Diluvial’ means ‘related to a flood.’ But, over the years, it’s become a synonym for ‘old’ or ‘ancient,’ when used to refer to non-historical things. ‘Diluvian’ means ‘related to or brought about by a flood’ and ‘ante’ is the prefix for ‘before.’ ”
“There are dozens of books, chapters, and gospels that were once included in the Hebrew Bible, or that various scholars believe should be included. Some of these books have questionable attribution, or were written by groups that eventually came to be considered heretical. Others are accepted only…”
“I love Davis’s ‘don’t know much about’ books. He takes BIG subjects and writes about them in interesting ways. Kind of a frequently-asked-questions mode. He starts nowhere in particular, and meanders around, in a good way. His writing style is engaging and interesting. He can make any subject…”

“What’s interesting about this book is that there’s just very little information about the actual process of creating the King James Bible. Not much of the historical record of the actual translation process remains. So, what the book does is concentrate on the societal, political, and religious…”

“I had to stop reading this one. It was recommended to me by a friend, but I was pretty uncomfortable with it. It’s a modern, snarky novel that purports to be an alternate version of the Gospels, written by Jesus Christ’s best friend, Biff. …yeah. There was the obvious sacrilegious angle that I…”

“This is commonly considered to be a pagan God from the Old Testament. (Note: the spelling is quite variant.) Leviticus 18:21 Do not give any of your children to be sacrificed to Molek, for you must not profane the name of your God. I am the LORD. 1 Kings 11:7 On a hill east of Jerusalem, Solomon…”
“ This is more commonly known as a ‘parable’ – it’s a story or anecdote from a scriptural text which forms a thematic whole, even if it’s non-contiguous. Appropriately, it’s ancient Greek for ‘cutting out.’ ”
“What is called the ‘Pericope Adulteræ’ are the versus from John 7:53 to John 8:11. In this section, John recounts the story of Jesus saving an adulterous woman from stoning, telling the angry crowd, ‘Let anyone among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.’ (A more common…”
“This is an ancient kingdom thought to exist in the southern Arabia or Eastern Africa. In the Hebrew Bible, Sheba and her queen are mentioned in 1 Kings, Chapter 10: When the queen of Sheba heard about the fame of Solomon and his relationship to the Lord, she came to test Solomon with hard…”

“This a lovely, coffee table-ish book about the Bible. It’s a sequential tour through the Bible, story by story. Every story you’ve ever heard from the Bible – they’re all in here. The chapter header explains the characters in the story, the themes, the timeframe of the events, and the verse…”

“I’ll freely admit that a lot of this went over my head. This is not an approachable book. It’s very academic and more appropriate to seminary students. However, it does make clear the critical point that the modern Christian bible was formed through curation and the actions of mortals combing…”

“I think I need to read this again. It’s complicated. The author is attempted to explain why war is so prevalent and violent in the Old Testament, but – on first reading, at least – it sounds like a very delicate skirting of the issue. If there was a central point or excuse, I missed it on the first…”

“I didn’t like this. But what bothers me is that I don’t know why I didn’t like it . I am very interested in the subject matter. This should absolutely be a book I like. I have no idea why I couldn’t connect with it, but dreaded picking it up. It’s about a journalist who wanders around the Holy…”

“ A summary and commentary on the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. ”