Content tagged with “media” under “My Library”
There are 22 item(s) tagged with “media” in this section.
See items tagged with “media” across the entire site.
Other tags used by these items: news, biography, comedy, journalism, social-media, friends, music, hip-hop, pop-culture, star-wars, science-fiction, philosophy
“The definitive history of Friends, from the spark of and idea, all the way through the current day and the lingering fandom. I read ‘I’ll Be There For You’ last year, but I remember that book as being quite strongly about the social justice aspects of the show. This book touches on some of those…”

“I very much regret not getting the audiobook. It would have been spectacular to listen to the author read this. This is a memoir. It was made out to be more than that because (1) the cover is funky, and (2) it has a lot of pictures of artifacts (?) of McConaughey’s life, but make no mistake – this…”

“To appreciate this book, I think you need to know who David Steinberg is. I didn’t know who he was. The whole thing didn’t make a lot of sense until I did some research on Steinberg. He’s a Canadian comedian. I was born in 1971, so I didn’t know him because his heyday was the 60s and 70s. He was…”

“This one was tough. It is exactly as advertised – a detailed historical account of the origins of newspapers, specifically in 14th - 18th century Europe. The problem is, that’s kinda boring. I can’t fault the author, but it’s very, very dry topic. And the book is very detailed. I’m glad I read it,…”

“I love Mindy Kaling so much, but she’s not nearly as funny in this book. The book is sort of an auto-biography, but not very deep, and with the obvious intent to be more funny than anything else. Throughout, she has short chapters which are meant to be funny little essays. Some are okay, but a lot…”

“here’s the thing to understand: this is 400 pages of Seinfeld’s standup. That’s it. It’s very little more than this. I thought this was an examination of Jerry’s creative process. It’s not at all. There’s 3-4 pages of intro about how he decided he wanted to be a comic. The rest is divided up in to…”

“A book which counters claims of Left-wing media bias. Chomsky actually claims the media is biased towards big business and government and provides a ‘propaganda model’ which he claims demonstrates it. The rest of the book is mainly history – Chomsky uses things like some murders in Central America,…”

“This is a book that I probably read for the wrong reasons, and a book that I was ultimately unsatisfied with. But in the book’s defense, it could never succeed at what I wanted from it. This is a book that asks the question: What do we do with the art of monstrous men? That question above was…”

“An interesting book which explores how humans react to the news on an emotional/psychological level. It discusses the different types of news: political, economic, disaster, cultural, etc. and how we perceive and relate to them. Some interesting points I gathered: The true measure of news is if it…”

“A fascinating book which details an experiment which took place in 1976. Twenty-one subjects in Evanston, Illinois (north of Chicago) were followed for one year. All of the news that was published in the area was cataloged, as was all the news the subjects consumed. They were regularly interviewed…”

“This is sort of a biography, but more of a coffee table book. It’s a collection of photos of the life of Marshall Mathers (Eminem), interspersed with recollections of his life. It’s actually quite good. He starts by talking about the death of Proof in 2006, who is a rapper I had never heard of. His…”

“This book is odd but lovable. I can’t imagine how it got written. It’s about Star Wars . But not about any particular aspect of Star Wars . Rather, it’s a meditation about the…ideas (?) of Star Wars ? The book was written right after The Force Awakens was released. That was the first film in the…”