Content tagged with “geology” under “Stuff I Looked Up”
There are 5 item(s) tagged with “geology” in this section.
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“This is soil that has been deposited by water. If, at some time in the past, an area of Earth was covered with water due to a prior river or flood, that water would deposit sediment that remained once the water is gone. This sediment is known as alluvium, and is known to be very agriculturally…”
“This is a contiguous formation of groundwater, held within some type of geologic structure. Different underground substances hold water in different capacities. Solid rock, for example, might not have any space for water (though some rock is porous), while different types of soil are able to be…”
“ This geographic feature normally happens due to a fault line or erosion. ”

“This is earth/soil that stays frozen. Dirt has moisture in it, and when it gets cold, that water freezes and becomes hard like concrete. Often this is a few inches below the surface. The dirt on the surface is exposed to the sun that it will thaw in the summer, but under that is dirt that gets no…”

“This is an earthquake, basically. We rarely see it in this form, however. It’s the root of the word ‘seismic,’ which is how we would normally read it. In fact, none of the resources I consulted had any examples for seism, though they each had a lot for seismic and seismal . The origin is the Greek…”