Content tagged with “science” under “Stuff I Looked Up”
There are 5 item(s) tagged with “science” in this section.
See items tagged with “science” across the entire site.
Other tags used by these items: geology, temperature
“This is soil that has been deposited by water. If, at some time in the past, an area of Earth was covered with water due to a prior river or flood, that water would deposit sediment that remained once the water is gone. This sediment is known as alluvium, and is known to be very agriculturally…”
“A branch of astronomy that deals specifically with the origins and chronology of the universe. Physical cosmology deals with the actual origins of the physical universe, while religious or mythical cosmology deals with the purpose and reason for the universe. It comes from the Greek ‘kosmos’ which…”
“In the scientific method, each experiment should have two groups: The Experimental Group: this is the group on which a new variable is added The Control Group: this is the group where nothing changes – it is missing the variable introduced to the experimental group The goal is that the variable…”
“This was a theory that devised a way the Second Law of Thermodynamics might be circumvented. That law says that heat energy cannot be created, it can only be transferred. In 1847, James Clerk Maxwell came up with this idea – Say you had a box with two sides, separated by a gate. A demon would watch…”
“Very simply, this is a measure of temperature that accounts for humidity. From an article entitled Why you need to worry about the ‘wet-bulb temperature’ : Wet-bulb temperature (WBT) combines dry air temperature (as you’d see on a thermometer) with humidity – in essence, it is a measure of…”