Content tagged with "fashion"

February 28, 2022

“A hoop skirt. This is the classic dress from the 1800s that billows out from the waist. In The Sea We Swim In: How Stories Work in a Data-Driven World: …[the Civil War] was transmuted after the surrender at Appomattox into the ‘Lost Cause,’ a doomed yet noble campaign to preserve a way of life…”

Fast Fashion
November 29, 2021

“This is an aggregate term meant to describe several different phenomenon which came together in the early part of the 2000s to drastically increase the rate at which the average consumer buys clothes, and decrease the length of time a style is considered fashionable and desirable. There are three…”

Stuff I Looked Up
September 8, 2021

“Generally, men’s clothing. In British English, it can mean ‘small wares,’ usually things like buttons, ribbons, zips, handkerchiefs, etc. – things used in sewing. However, in most commercial usage, it refers to mens’ clothing stores or people who sell men’s clothing . I have seen some usage implying…”