Content tagged with “art” under “Stuff I Looked Up”
There are 11 item(s) tagged with “art” in this section.
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Other tags used by these items: definition, french, cooking, lovecraft, person, history, fashion
“ It’s literally French for ‘workshop,’ which comes from another word meaning ‘woodpile,’ meaning a carpenter’s workspace. ”
“I did find some references to ‘aubergine purple,’ which is more specifically the color. If you do an image search for ‘ aubergine purple ’ you get all sorts of shades, even drifting into brown. I also found Pantone 229, which someone claimed was ‘aubergine.’ That’s the color swatch embedded at…”

“This is a sculpture style where the art is mostly two-dimensional (meaning, it could be hung on a wall), but the foreground is raised slightly from the background. The design is carved into a substance. ‘Relief’ originally meant ‘raised,’ and ‘bas’ means ‘low’ in French, so the art is literally…”
“This is a term from the arts which means creating a mixed media work out of whatever materials you can find. However, it’s been expanded to mean assembling something – anything – together from disparate parts. It’s borrowed from the French bricoler which means ‘to tinker’ or ‘to putter’ and…”
“ Apparently it comes from the same root as ‘broccoli.’ ”

“These are a series of museums – existing, closed, or planned – which were funded by the Solomon Guggenheim Foundation. Guggenheim was a wealthy patron of the arts whose family made its fortune in mining and gold exploration. He died in 1949. Guggenheim created the foundation that bears his name in…”

“ This was a Dutch painter from the 1400s and 1500s. He was famous for several triptych works which depicted scenes of heaven and hell. ”

“Curiously, it’s not object (with a ‘c’), it’s objet . It’s French for ‘object or art’ or ‘art object’ or ‘work of art.’ The Wikipedia page notes: The term is somewhat flexible, and is often used as a broad term for ‘everything else’ after major categories have been dealt with. The key is ‘object.’…”

“It’s literally French for ‘work.’ So, to discuss ‘Picasso’s oeuvre’ is to simply discuss Picasso’s work. It’s pronounced differently in English and French, and, honestly, I got a lot of different opinions on it. The two most popular: One syllable, rhymes with ‘swerve’ (take away the ‘sw’) Two…”
“This is a description or name applied to any painting from an known painter in Europe before ‘about 1800,’ according to Wikipedia . Merriam-Webster says: a work of art by an established master and especially by any of the distinguished painters of the 16th, 17th, or early 18th century But what’s an…”
“What the Anglo world knows as ‘paisley’ is actually an Asian design motif called the boteh or buta . This is the common teardrop-ish shape that’s repeated in a pattern. Scholars differ on where the shape design originated. It might represent something in nature, or be a symbol of life. The Anglo…”