April 23, 2024

By Deane Barker
1,000m row
Rest four minutes

The trick here is that I tried to maintain a 4:00 pace (2:00 split) for every row.

The first row was easy. The second was meh. The third was uncomfortable. The fourth was unpleasant. The fifth was murder.

By the last row, I had started opening my shoulders more and leaning back a bit. That brought my abs into it, which is interesting. You end up leaned back, like a hollow rock/hold. That’s a little harder, but I feel you get a couple extra inches out of every pull.

I did maintain pace for all five rows. Due to vagaries in the clock, I measured it by average 500m split time, trying to keep that under 2:00.


Added on

Over the summer, I got this down to three minutes rest in between rounds, then down to two minutes rest. This puts me back where I was 4-5 years go when I did this in class.

This is item #16 in a sequence of 245 items.

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