April 19, 2022
400m row
26 Deadlifts (135)
400m row
26 KBS
400m row
26 Power Cleans
400m row
26 Push-Ups
400m row
26 Sit-ups
400m row
26 S2OH
A friend told me about a 12-round workout of 26 reps and a 400m run between each. I decided to try something along those lines, but with a row – and half the movements.
This was a lot. The power cleans and S2OH slowed everything way down. Bodyweight work would have been much easier.
I didn’t time this, but I’m guessing it was 25 mins? Each row was probably 90 seconds to two minutes. Some movements were fast (sit-ups, KBS), but others (the barbell work) took a lot longer.