September 5, 2021

By Deane Barker
With a partner
800m Run
80 Deadlifts (135/95)
80 Sit-Ups
600m Run
60 Power Cleans
60 Air Squats
400m Run
40 Clean and Jerks
40 Push Ups
200m Run
20 Snatches
20 Pull-Ups

Runs together. Split all the other work.

I did not run this workout. I had written it in my head, and I was going to run it for a Labor Day partner WOD, but then we decided to do the “Kabul 13” hero WOD instead.

I’m writing it down here just so I don’t forget it.

Update: We finally did it, two months later. Everyone loved it, but it’s long. The fastest team took 28 minutes. The slowest was about 38.

This is item #164 in a sequence of 245 items.

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