August 29, 2021

By Deane Barker
15 Cal Row
10 Sit-Ups

R1-5: 5 Heavy Hang Power Clean
R6-10: 5 Moderate Bench Press

Try to find a weight that you can use for both movements. Ideally, you would need to split the cleans 3/2 (even 2/2/1 in the later rounds), but can do the bench press unbroken.

I sort of made this up as I went along. I did it at 185#. I split the cleans 3/2 for the first three rounds, then 2/2/1 for rounds 4 and 5.

Originally I just did five rounds with the clean, but I felt like doing another five rounds. Unfortunately, my grip was shot by this point (catching an 185# bar as it falls is always a treat), so I switched to the bench for the second half.

This is item #163 in a sequence of 240 items.

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