January 30, 2021

By Deane Barker
1000/800m Row

5 Deadlifts (225/155)
5 Burpees Over the Bar

1000/800m Ski

5 Deadlifts (225/155)
5 Burpees Over the Bar

1.5/1.2 mile Bike

I’ve done 10 rounds of the deadlift/burpee combo. It’s a good workout that lasts about 10 minutes.

To make it longer, I split the 10 rounds, and threw in some cardio.

It was pretty miserable. The ski wasn’t fun, the second round of the burpees and deadlifts was brutal, and the final bike was awfully sad and lonely.

Postscript: a bunch of people did this for the Sunday workout the next day. They verified that it was, indeed, quite miserable. Weirdly, it might be a better workout with less weight. The most someone used was 205, and even they said that at 185 it would probably be quite a bit more intense because you’d spend less time staring at the bar.

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