Content Lifecycle

By Deane Barker

The stages o. a content object progresses through from its creation to its deletion.

These stages depend on the role of the observer (marketers, for instance, might view the lifecycle differently). For an editor, these stages might look like this:

  1. Create: Content is initiated in the CMS. It is not complete, but exists as a managed content object. It is not visible to the content consumer.
  2. Edit and Collaborate: Content is actively edited and/or collaborated on by one or more editors. Content is still not visible.
  3. Submit and Approve: Content is created and edited, and has been submitted for one or more approvals. Content is still not visible.
  4. Publish: Content has been approved and is published on the website.
  5. Archive: Content is removed from public access, but not deleted. It is usually no longer visible.
  6. Delete: Content is irreversibly removed from the CMS.

This is item #22 in a sequence of 103 items.

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