What is Content Integration?

By Deane Barker

We spend a lot of time making content that doesn’t exist in our CMS look like it does. This is an attempt to put a definition around that discipline.

In this post, the author explores the concept of content integration, highlighting its importance in creating a seamless user experience across diverse platforms. It emphasizes the need for businesses to unify content from various sources to enhance accessibility and engagement. Best practices for effective content integration are discussed, along with the benefits it brings to both users and organizations.

Generated by Azure AI on June 24, 2024

Since I don’t feel there’s a good, all-encompassing name out there for this, I’m going to attempt to invent one –

Content Integration encompasses the philosophy, theories, practices, and tools around the re-use and adaption of content from our core repository into other uses and channels, or vice-versa: the creation and ingestion of content from other channels into our core repository.

Traditionally, we create content and store it in a repository. In many cases, this repository is also a delivery channel. A web content management system (WCMS) is the perfect example – we create the content in the WCMS, store it there, and deliver it from there. In many cases, our content stays entirely locked within the bounds of our WCMS. The entire lifecycle of that content – creation, management, delivery, archival, and deletion – happens inside of that system.

Content Integration would be the process by which we connect to content in that repository and use it in some other way. Content Integration occurs every time we connect a content-based system to the “outside world” to take in or push out content to other systems to allow for creation or consumption by other means.

For example –

Content management vendors tend to silently wage war against Content Integration by adding features to their systems in an effort to remove the need to go “outside” that system. In the first example above, WCMS vendors often built entire email messaging platforms into their systems to allow for this functionality in addition to the core web publishing.

This is done in the name of sales demos and competitive advantage but weakens the product overall because no vendor can ever predict all the possible ways content can be re-used. (While it’s easy to blame vendors, the guilt can probably be laid at the feet of their customers, who – being ignorant of the concepts of Content Integration – have historically equated “built-in” with “superior.”)

To circle back to the original definition, Content Integration is multi-disciplinary. It encompasses:

In the end, Content Integration is an umbrella which falls over a collection of knowledge and technology, the combination of which allows us to get more value out of our content – to reach greater numbers of content consumers, at less cost, with greater control, and less risk.

This is item #37 in a sequence of 361 items.

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