Content tagged with “crossfit” under “My Library”
There are 8 item(s) tagged with “crossfit” in this section.
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“I totally want to give this book five stars, because I enjoyed the hell out of it. It’s written by the coach of two of the biggest stars in CrossFit, and it follows them through the 2016 Games. The author explains all the character-building principles they employed to improve performance. However,…”

“This is a nice, lightweight autobiography of one of the greatest female CrossFit athletes of all time. It’s quite good for what it is – this doesn’t go particularly deep in anything, but if you like CrossFit, there’s a lot here for you. The writing is prone to drama (Rory McKernan – the CrossFit…”

“The entire time I was reading this book, I was thinking, ‘Who is the audience for this? Who would read this book?’ When it was done, I realized that I am the audience. I read that book. That book was written for me. I do CrossFit. I love CrossFit. I consume all sorts of media about CrossFit. And…”

“ Good overview of the history of CrossFit. This is not a practical book – it will not teach you how to burpee better. But it will explain where CrossFit came from and hopefully get you to understand the culture a little more. Extremely well-done. ”

“there are three ways to approach this topic (the social/community aspects of crossfit): Theoretical: the psychological/scientific underpinnings of community in CrossFit Practical: how to foster community in CrossFit Experiential: examples of community in CrossFit This book is almost 100% of #3. It…”