Content tagged with “biography” under “My Library”

There are 34 item(s) tagged with “biography” in this section.

See items tagged with “biography” across the entire site.

A Man Named Dave
Book Review
February 15, 2016

“My daughter gave me this book for Christmas. She had seen it at church, apparently. I did not like it. Here’s the thing: this is Dave Pelzer’s third book about his childhood trauma. I did not read the other two (though I vaguely remember the press ‘A Boy Called It’ got back in 1995). After two…”

A Mind at Play: How Claude Shannon Invented the Information Age
Book Review
October 9, 2017

“Lovely biography of Claude Shannon, who gave us information/communication theory. Covers his life from birth to death, in short chapters, each devoted to some aspect or time period. The longest chapter is a discussion of ‘A Mathematical Basis for Communication,’ and is one of the best summaries…”

A Promised Land
Deane’s Library
Book Review
January 15, 2021

“You read memoirs for two things: (1) a play-by-play re-telling of history, and (2) some higher truth to it all; some ‘gestalt’ that makes you look at things differently. This book has #1, for sure. Not so much of #2. The book starts with Obama’s childhood (but doesn’t spend a lot of time on it),…”

Alexander Hamilton
Deane’s Library
An Accidental Life: Volume 1, 1944-1964: How I Failed at Almost Everything
Deane’s Library
Book Review
June 19, 2021

“I read this book because Kevin Kelly recommended it in his Recommendo newsletter. I had no idea why I wanted to read it – I didn’t even know who Charles Platt was. I think I was just smitten with the subtitle ‘How I Failed At Almost Everything.’ It turns out that Platt is a science fiction writer…”

Deane’s Library
Book Review
December 11, 2022

“This is a biography of Anna Wintour, who has been the leader of Vogue for 25 years. She’s more than that now, actually – she’s ‘Artistic Director’ for all of Conde Naste . She’s likely the most famous person in the fashion business. Anna simply decided, at a young age, that she wanted to be the…”

Bo Knows Bo
Deane’s Library
Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy
Deane’s Library
Book Review
June 13, 2021

“Meticulously-researched biography of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the German theologian who became an outspoken resistor of the Nazis, and an eventual plotter in Hitler’s assassination, for which he was executed just before the Allies would have reached him. The book really doubles as a history of the rise…”

Dancing With Myself
Deane’s Library
Book Review
December 26, 2016
Deane’s Library
Book Review
February 14, 2019

“Absolutely, one of the best books I’ve read in years. Enraging in places, it’s one of those books where you watch the protagonist suffer, and make choices you don’t really understand because you’re not as deep into the situation as they are. But, in the end, you have some appreciation for how they…”

Empty Mansions: The Mysterious Life of Huguette Clark and the Spending of a Great American Fortune
Deane’s Library
Book Review
June 13, 2021

“Fascinating story of Huguette Clark, the youngest daughter of mining baron W.A. Clark. She was fabulously wealthy, but reclusive and eccentric. She maintained ‘empty mansions’ that she never lived in, and even spent the last 20-ish years of her life contentedly living in a hospital room. (How do…”

Even in Our Darkness: A Story of Beauty in a Broken Life
Deane’s Library
Book Review
November 24, 2019

“A memoir of a broken life. Jack Deere is a world-renowned theologian, but he hasn’t talked much about how his own life often spiraled out of control behind the scenes. His son took his own life, his wife struggled deeply with alcoholism, and Deere himself often alienated other people and made…”

Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing: A Memoir
Deane’s Library
Book Review
December 25, 2022

“Matthew Perry is lucky to be alive. In this book, he recounts his story of addiction, from alcohol as a teenager, through to pills as an adult. As the book starts, he’s in rehab, in great pain. Opiates cause constipation, and he’s so constipated that his bowel ruptures. He almost dies. He spends…”

Deane’s Library
Book Review
October 16, 2021

“I very much regret not getting the audiobook. It would have been spectacular to listen to the author read this. This is a memoir. It was made out to be more than that because (1) the cover is funky, and (2) it has a lot of pictures of artifacts (?) of McConaughey’s life, but make no mistake – this…”

Leonardo da Vinci
Deane’s Library
Book Review
April 22, 2023

“This is a lovely, comprehensive biography of one of the greatest thinkers in history. This is one of the rare biographies I read of someone who lived so long ago that exact records are not available. There is no video footage of Da Vinci’s life. There are no photographs of him. No newspapers quoted…”

Lone Survivor: The Eyewitness Account of Operation Redwing and the Lost Heroes of SEAL Team 10
Deane’s Library
Book Review
June 1, 2014

“Certainly a thrilling book and an amazing story. Not particularly well-written, and full of lots of ‘MURICA!, ‘screw the liberals,’ and George Bush worship. The author is an unapologetic solider from Texas, so none of that should be a surprise. Incredible what the guy went through. I admit to get a…”

Me: Elton John Official Autobiography
Deane’s Library
Book Review
June 1, 2020

“For the last few years, my brother has gotten in the habit of buying me a biography of an 80s music star for Christmas. First it was Motley Crue, then Billy Idol, then Phil Collins, and now Elton John. Good book. Easy to read. Flows nicely. Lots of neat recollections of famous people you know….”

My Life, My Fight
Deane’s Library
Not Dead Yet: The Memoir
Deane’s Library
Book Review
December 31, 2017

“My brother gave this to me as a gift. I had forgotten how much exposure I had to Phil Collins as a teenager. Looking back, he was seemingly everywhere. Turns out, I missed most of his career in the first incantation of Genesis (with Peter Gabriel). I only stumbled on the scene when Genesis was a…”

Deane’s Library
Book Review
March 31, 2022

“This is a compelling auto-biography. It reads fast and stays interesting. Agassi claims to hate tennis. His father groomed him to be a tennis player, and the stories he tells of his childhood border on abuse. He grew up hating the game. But he dropped out of school in the 9th grade, so that’s all…”

Personal History
Deane’s Library
Shoe Dog: A Memoir by the Creator of Nike
Deane’s Library
Book Review
October 22, 2018

“Entertaining history of Nike from its beginning in 1962 through to when it went public in 1980. Those 18 years were run on a shoestring budget, and the company was constantly, hilariously broke. In the last chapter, Knight catches up to everything that’s happened since 1980. That sounds rushed, but…”

The Glass Castle
Deane’s Library
Book Review
June 10, 2020

“A stunning memoir of a dysfunctional childhood. Jeannette’s parents weren’t actively abusive, but they were passively abusive in the sense that they had no personal responsibility, and they never gave any regard to holding down jobs and providing basic care to their children. In retrospect (and in…”

The King of Content: Sumner Redstone’s Battle for Viacom, CBS, and Everlasting Control of His Media Empire
Deane’s Library
Book Review
January 4, 2022

“This is the story of the messy end of Sumner Redstone’s life and the struggle for control of his companies: National Amusements, and, by acquisition, Viacom and Paramount. And it really is the story of the end of Redstone’s life. Not even halfway through the book, he turns 60. At about the halfway…”

The Storyteller: Tales of Life and Music
Deane’s Library
Book Review
March 13, 2022

“I liked this book because it’s obvious Dave Grohl wrote it. It clearly wasn’t ghost-written, because the writing can be a little cliched and breathless sometimes, and there’s an authenticity to that. This is not a pure autobiography. It starts off that way, but then drifts into a series of, well,…”

This Will All Be Over Soon: A Memoir
Deane’s Library
Book Review
September 12, 2021

“This book is…different. I think you have to be a certain place emotionally and mentally to appreciate it, and I just wasn’t there. Cecily Strong is one of my all-time favorite SNL players. She’s hilarious. I bought this book brand-new, specifically because I wanted to support her. You need to…”

Titan: The Life of John D. Rockefeller, Sr.
Deane’s Library
Book Review
December 31, 2017

“Wonderfully written biography. Makes me want to read more Chernow. JDR was a flawed man, certainly. While an upstanding citizen in his personal life, he was a ruthless business, who destroyed his competitors with glee. Provoked some wonder at the line between the personal and professional. Can…”

Deane’s Library