Content tagged with “fashion” under “My Library”
There are 6 item(s) tagged with “fashion” in this section.
See items tagged with “fashion” across the entire site.
Other tags used by these items: biography, history, france, race, fiction, crime
“This is a biography of Anna Wintour, who has been the leader of Vogue for 25 years. She’s more than that now, actually – she’s ‘Artistic Director’ for all of Conde Naste . She’s likely the most famous person in the fashion business. Anna simply decided, at a young age, that she wanted to be the…”

“In microcosm, this is the story of a single event – a fashion show outside Paris in 1973 that was over in about three hours. But if you take a longer view, it’s a story of the history of fashion to that point, and its intersection with race in America. The Palace of Versailles is where the last…”

“Fascinating history of the Gucci family and company, from the patriarch and his humble origins as a leatherworker in rural Italy, down through the generations, including the sensational murder which was the focus of the 2021 movie, and then the current disposition of all the players and the destiny…”