
By Deane Barker

Definition: having to do with time or Earthly existence

If you follow the etymology of this all the way back, it comes from the Latin word for “time” or “period of time.” This is the same source from which we get “temporary.”

And that’s likely where the connection to Earthly existence comes from. According to most religious traditions, our time on Earth is finite – we have lifespan and any time we spend on Earth is within that lifespan. Thus, our Earthly existence is, by definition, subject to time, as opposed to our spiritual existence, which is eternal and not subject to time.

Why I Looked It Up

In an adventure module, I found this:

Seamus Cromwell will make an attempt to bring Crom back to rule the temporal world.

The idea is that a supernatural being who exists outside of time will enter the time-constrained world.

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