Content tagged with "sports"

Athletic Booster
August 25, 2023

“Yes. When you are an official ‘athletic booster,’ the NCAA prohibits you from doing certain things involving athlete recruitment. To be considered a booster according to the NCAA , you have to have done any of the following activities: Provided a donation in order to obtain season tickets for any…”

Bo Knows Bo
Stuff I Looked Up
November 1, 2021

“This is hard to describe in words. You sort of have to watch it visually. Here are two great videos (literally the first two results when searching YouTube for how to play cricket ): How to Play Cricket (2:00) How to play cricket: The Basics (7:06) It’s tempting to compare this to baseball, because…”

Faster: How a Jewish Driver, an American Heiress, and a Legendary Car Beat Hitler’s Best
Deane’s Library
Book Review
December 31, 2022

“I had trouble connecting with this book. It describes Grand Prix and rally racing of the 1930s – the ‘Golden Age of Auto Racing,’ this era is called. Racing, especially then, is, by nature, visceral and sensory, and I felt disconnected from it. The central theme is that Hitler and the Nazis used…”

Stuff I Looked Up
December 25, 2021

“No one agrees where this came from. One story: there was a person that waited down the driving range to see where the ball landed. This caddy was known as a ‘fore-caddy.’ Yelling ‘Fore!’ was a way of warning the fore-caddy that a ball was on the way. However, there are other origin stories. Here’s…”

Let the World See You: How to Be Real in a World Full of Fakes
Deane’s Library
Book Review
April 30, 2022

“So, it’s tough not to like this book, because Sam Acho is an engaging writer and seems like a lovely person. But the book is unfocused, and doesn’t seem to go anywhere. The title (and subtitle) hint that’s it about letting the world see ‘the real you.’ But the result is really just a bunch of…”

My Life, My Fight
Deane’s Library
Super G
Stuff I Looked Up
May 20, 2024

“There are five alpine (meaning ‘gravity-based’) skiing events in the Olympics: All of them involve navigating a course down the side of a mountain while turning to go through ‘gates’ demarked by flags. They’re differentiated by how close the gates are, which dictates how often the skier has to turn…”

Taboo: Why Black Athletes Dominate Sports And Why We’re Afraid To Talk About It
Deane’s Library
Book Review
November 5, 2021

“This book explains (it doesn’t ‘claim,’ it just explains) that Black humans are generally better athletes than White humans. It goes deep into the different regions of Africa, and shows how significant portions of athletics are simply dominated by athletes from those regions. In particular, the…”

The Book of Basketball: The NBA According to The Sports Guy
Deane’s Library
Book Review
January 25, 2019

“This book is … a lot. I just started watching basketball as a hobby. I was perhaps not the right audience for this book. Bill Simmons is a sports columnist. He’s the ultimate sports bro. He knows everything. He has an opinion about every subject. He rattles off statistics in a stream of…”

The Breaks of the Game
Deane’s Library
The Undisputed Guide to Pro Basketball History
Deane’s Library
Book Review
May 10, 2019

“Truly, one of the most perfect books I have ever read. I wanted a comprehensive history of the NBA, and that’s what got, with style and beauty to go along with it. The history is organized well, the writing is superb and goes beneath superficial observations, and the artwork is just amazing – like,…”