Content tagged with "literature"

September 8, 2021

“It means something related to the works of Charles Dickens, but is usually used to refer to depressing circumstances, as Dickens often told stories of the poor of Victorian England. From The Free Dictionary : Of, relating to, or reminiscent of the works of Charles Dickens, especially with regard to…”

Fu Manchu
June 5, 2023

“Fu Manchu was the villain in a series of Sax Rohmer novels in the first half of the 20th century and continuing into films. In popular culture, he is considered an archetype of a ‘supervillain.’ Generally depicted as Asian, with a mustache that extends downwards from the corners of his mouth. (The…”

Hard Science Fiction
Stuff I Looked Up
December 23, 2022

“This is genre of science fiction that’s concerned with scientific accuracy, with explaining how something might actually work in the real world. For example, The Martian was hard science fiction. It presented an example of what an astronaut might actually do if stranded on Mars. A lot of Daniel…”

Life Lessons from Literature: Wisdom from 100 Classic Works
Deane’s Library
Book Review
December 7, 2023

“This is a very light, fun book that profiles 100 famous works from history and why they matter – what larger life lesson can we draw from them. Each work is given a quick summary of both the plot and the lesson. For example, here’s Crime and Punishment (a book I did not care for, incidentally):…”

The Fault In Our Stars
Stuff I Looked Up
September 8, 2021

“ This is a line from Act 1, Scene 2 of Shakespeare’s play Julius Caesar : The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, But in ourselves, that we are underlings. Cassius is trying to explain to Brutus that their current lives were not due to fate (‘not in our stars’). ”