Content tagged with “books” under “Stuff I Looked Up”
There are 5 item(s) tagged with “books” in this section.
See items tagged with “books” across the entire site.
Other tags used by these items: magic, writing, literature, definition
“ This is a spellbook – a mythical textbook of magic. The etymology is not clear. ”
“This is genre of science fiction that’s concerned with scientific accuracy, with explaining how something might actually work in the real world. For example, The Martian was hard science fiction. It presented an example of what an astronaut might actually do if stranded on Mars. A lot of Daniel…”
“This is Latin for ‘let it be printed.’ After the printing press was created, it came to be printed on the inside cover of a book to show who had given approval for the book to be distributed. I found lots of pronunciations, mostly differing on the third syllabus: ‘im-prim-MAY-tor’ ‘im-prim-MAH-tor’…”
“This refers to printed material from Europe prior to the 1500s. (It’s the plural form; the singular is ‘incunabule.’) The etymology is from a Latin word meaning ‘swaddling clothes,’ which refers to the ‘infancy’ of printing during this period. (Gutenberg invented the printing press in the 1430s.)…”
“I consulted quite a few opinions, and the difference is pretty subjective. An autobiography is a factual account of someone’s life, whereas as a memoir is…murkier. Here’s one opinion : The difference between a memoir vs. an autobiography is that a memoir focuses on reflection and establishing an…”