August 4, 2024

By Deane Barker
100m each
Burpee Broad Jump
Bear Crawl

This is a shorter version of the “Impossible Mile” workout. In that workout, you do each of the above for 400m – or one lap of a standard track – which adds up to a mile.

I did one-quarter of that workout. And it sucked. Bodyweight stuff is not my thing – I’m a big guy. The burpees alone about murdered me.

At our gym, we have 6’ x 4’ mats. Nine of these (long-wise) is 54-feet. Six times that is 324-feet, which is almost exactly 100m (328-feet). So I set two cones, nine mats apart, and I had to go “down and back” three times, six lengths total.

By my calculations, it was taking between 8-10 burpee broad jobs to do one length, which means the workout essentially starts with between 50 and 60 burpee broad jumps. That’s a lot.

The lunges, also bad. And the bear crawl – that wouldn’t be so bad, but it comes third, by which time you’re pretty wiped out. Your shoulders are still fried from the burpees.

And keep in mind that the “official” version of this workout is four times this amount.


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