Content tagged with “contentful” under “The CMS UI Database”

There are 2 item(s) tagged with “contentful” in this section.

See items tagged with “contentful” across the entire site.

Contentful Content Model editing
Captioned Photo
October 26, 2020

“Content modeling is a foundational task of any item-based CMS (as opposed to a ‘page based’ CMS). The establishing of ‘atomic’ units of content, their rules, and how they are related to each other is a starting block for any implementation. In the case of Contentful, this task can be done via the…”

Contentful File Selector
Captioned Photo
September 14, 2020

“ When creating media entries in Contentful, you can not only upload images from your machine, but connect to a bunch of other systems to find images stored in them. From this interface, the ‘My Device’ option is the only one that leads to a traditional file upload UI. ”