Content tagged with “editing” under “The CMS UI Database”
There are 2 item(s) tagged with “editing” in this section.
See items tagged with “editing” across the entire site.
Other tags used by these items: movable-type, blogging, squarespace
Movable Type v2 Editing Interface
“Movable Type is a venerable blogging platform dating from 2001. It’s one of the oldest CMSs under continuous development. This image is the earliest UI that most people associate with the product. The v2 released coincided with the early heydey of blogging. Before WordPress showed up and took the…”

Squarespace Page Editing
“ Squarespace has an on-page editing system with a little flyout menu for non-visual properties. You can adjust values in it, and the page changes in realtime in the background. ”