CMS Implementations Deck
Section: Support (12 slides)
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I took this from a blog post: The Unique Challenges of CMS Support

Downtime is usually infrastructure related. The website and the CMS are fine, it’s something with the server or DNS. The vendor cannot help you here. Sometimes the integrator can’t either, especially if they’re not hosting you.

So many times, the customer thinks something on their CMS is broken. When you unpack it, it turns out they made some critical error about ten layers removed from their current issue, and it’s really a larger-scale engagement to help them re-address some fundamental implementation questions.
It’s like someone saying their car is broken because it doesn’t have anywhere to put the gas nozzle, leaving you to explain that they bought an electric car.

Your first line of support needs to be whomever built the site. They can go back to the vendor for second-line support.

Regarding that second point: you need to be ready to admit that not everything you planned out will work exactly the way you want it to. Some things seemed great when you were planning but didn’t work great in practice.
If you get 90% of it right, you’re doing really well.
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