Profile of Arc Publishing

From Issue #36

The Observer did an article on Arc Publishing, and the title is grandiose:

The Washington Post’s Most Valuable Asset Is Now Its Software, Thanks to Jeff Bezos

Here’s how they back up that claim:

The Post expects Arc to generate an annual revenue of $100 million within the next three years and become the newspaper’s third largest revenue stream after advertising and subscription,

Mark Demeny wrote an analysis of the Observer article, with an equally big claim in the title:

WCM systems are the hot new billionaire status symbol of 2019

He’s referring to Marc Benioff of Salesforce owning a chunk of WordPress via their investment in Automattic.

So we now have two multi-billionaires with major cultural sway and significant personal investments in both media and WCM. Both of these men think about thing not in products, but in far more expansive understandings of platforms and centers of influence.

This is item #176 in a sequence of 305 items.

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