Squirrel Notes #35
- Acquia and Automattic Both Take Investments
“It was a big week in vendor news, as Acquia sold to Vista Equity Partners at a valuation of just under $1 billion . That seems to be the going rate…”
- ContentStack’s Headless CMS Article
“ContentStack published an article on the virtues of headless: How Headless CMS Is Killing the Buy vs Build Decision ContentStack is a headless CMS…”
- My New Content Modeling Book
“I accidentally wrote another book. It started as a post, but ran long, eventually topping out at 50,000 words: ’Real World Content Modeling: A Field…”
- Content Modeling Roundtable
“A couple of months ago, Cruce Saunders from [A] got a dozen or so people on a conference call about content modeling. He called it a ’Content…”
- Challenges of Moderating /r/cms
“I’ve mentioned the /r/cms subreddit here before, but I spouted off on Twitter about some of the challenges. I kept adding responses, which turned it…”