
By Deane Barker

I found a number of definitions for this.

In a geographic sense, the general idea is that a subcontinent is a large area of land that’s not an entire continent, but that is somehow demarked from the rest of the continent by natural features, or, in some cases, the border of a tectonic plate.


This Quora question provides examples of the confusion: What are examples of subcontinents?

Note that lots of people there are arguing that the words means something politically, not geographically. Also, people arguing that Europe is actually a subcontinent:

Calling Indian subcontinent a “Subcontinent” and Europe a full continent is pure euro-centric arrogance and has nothing to do with logic.

[…] Europe is actually a subcontinent. It is a continent only for political reasons.

Throughout those answers, a couple of things become apparent:

Next up, clearly: what’s the strict definition of a continent? (Done, here)

Why I Looked It Up

I had heard the word for years. I was reading a book about the Union Carbide disaster in Bhopal, and the word kept coming up.

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