October 31, 2024

By Deane Barker
1,000m Row
1,000m BikeErg
1,000m Ski
Rest 3 min

750m on each
Rest 2 min

500m on each
Rest 1 min

250m on each

I saw some guys doing this the other day. I liked the idea because it’s heavy cardio.

The first ski was a real problem. My triceps kept cramping, and then my lower back went a little nuts. But it got better.

I did it in 36:52.


Added on

So, it turns out I got this one wrong. The rest was 3-2-1, not three minutes each time. The guys who did it said they got it just under 30. But I rested for three minutes longer than them, so if you take that off, I’m still in the mid 30s, which is long.

I set out to do this again today, but due to some unforeseen circumstances, I was sort on time. So I started at 750, rested 2, then 500, rested 1, then 250.

I got it in just under 20:00.

I figure the 1,000m round would have taken me 13 (with the rest), which again puts me in the mid 30s.

I’ll try it again. I’d like to get it under 30, for nothing but my self-esteem.


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I did it today, all the way through, with the right rest timing. I got it in 33:30.

The ski is what kills me. Going from the row to the ski is murder. Still having tricep cramping issues, though my lower back was good today.

I would love to get this quite a bit closer to 30:00.


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I have become somewhat obsessed with this workout. I’ve done it another 3-4 times since the last time I updated. I can just barely get it under 33:00.

The guys that were doing it the first time I saw it were nice enough to do it again and time it. They got it between 29:06 and 30:32. So, I have a ways to go.

I did note, however, that they did Row-Bike-Ski, rather than Row-Ski-Bike, and I do genuinely think that will help. Your arms will get a rest between the row and the ski.

I’ll try it that way next.


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Okay, with the new ordering, I did it in 32:20, which is my best time yet.

You can see from the percentages that my pacing was pretty consistent. Each round took right about the appropriate percentage of time compared to the first round, so I never slowed down from that first round.

If I can get that first round to 10:00, then hold that pace in every round, I’ll get it in 31:00.

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