October 15, 2024

By Deane Barker
20 Air Squats
15 Sit Ups
10 Push Ups
5 Barbell Rows (155#)

This is a study in adaptability. I only ever did it exactly as written above for two rounds.

My lower back starting acting up in round 3, so I switch to 20 walking lunges after that (10 each leg). My back had calmed down by round 8, so I was back to air squats for the last two rounds.

I was about to get abdominal cramps in round 4, so I switched to hanging bar movements for a few rounds – knee tucks, knee-to-elbow, etc. Then my shoulders started to hurt, so I went to leg raises.

Push-ups were fine.

Barbell rows were fine too, but I only picked those because the hands hurt.

So, this was all over the place. But I made it work, and I kept going.

This is item #1 in a sequence of 240 items.

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