December 13, 2022

By Deane Barker
Over 9 days, accumulate:
1,000 Push-Ups
1,500 Air Squats

So, this wasn’t a “workout” so much as it was a series of workouts. I was in Australia and New Zealand for a week-and-a-half, and I wanted to keep working out, so I set a goal of 1,000 push-ups and 1,500 squats.

I was doing 100/150 a day, because I knew I was out for 10 days. But then, on Day 3, I realized that I lost a day to the plane ride, so I only had nine workouts. So, for the middle five days, I did 120/180.

It was a decent workout every morning. I didn’t rush – I did the squats in sets of 10 or 15, then the push-ups in sets of 10. By the last day, I could really see a difference in my squat performance.

Even today, a week-and-a-half after I got back, my squats are just…better. I should have measured max unbroken beforehand, because I’m quite sure I could beat it now.

Now I just have to keep this up until Murph…

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