Irrational Desire for Consistency

By Deane Barker

We want things to be all right or all wrong. We do not like shades of gray.


Many people with strong political and religious opinions make increasingly absurd rationalizations for their side of the debate. They feel that any concession to the other side, or even any acknowledgment of a failing or weakness in their chosen philosophy – no matter how small – would invalidate their entire belief system.

From a meme found on social media:

Nothing you ever read, watch, or participate in will be ideologically pure and without its problems. Your quest to consume the most unproblematic material will be, in the end, fruitless. Your enjoyment of anything will be sapped away, leaving you a husk starved for media.

It is okay to enjoy things that have problems to them, so long as you do it critically and with an open mind, and take care to consider others.

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