On Text Adventures and Rabbit Holes…

tags: text-adventures, scripting

Last week I made a post about how I’m contemplating the intersection of content and logic. Well, I really went down a rabbit hole on this one…

Below is an 14-minute video of a text adventure (shades of “Zork”) that I wrote in Optimizely’s upcoming SaaS CMS. It was a silly weekend project, but it helped me explore some ideas about how logic and content relate.

For instance –

I hope you find this interesting. There are no hard-and-fast answers here, just a lot of exploration and more questions. As with anything …it depends.

I find this subject endlessly fascinating. I’ll be posting more about this in the future.

(PS: this post goes out to my childhood friend Joe Markert, with whom I spent way too much time playing games just like this…)

This is item #34 in a sequence of 72 items.

You can use your left/right arrow keys to navigate