The Value of RSS

By Deane Barker

The author discusses the importance of RSS (Really Simple Syndication) in the web, emphasizing its ability to deliver pure content without any context or formatting. They argue that it allows users to customize their browsing experience, emphasizes content over design, and is a step towards a future where sites become streams of information that consumers can format and present themselves in their own way.

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One of the upcoming goals I have for is an RSS channel. RSS stands for “Really Simple Syndication” (or “Rich Site Summary,” depending on who you ask) and is a way for other programs and sites to display things from this site without actually coming here. (I know, I know – no one visits. I’m working on it.) RSS, then, let’s the webmaster deliver pure content, without any context or formatting at all. Here are two reasons I like this:

RSS is a small step into the dream (my dream, anyway) of sites not being sites at all, instead becoming streams of information that consumers format and present to themselves in a way that makes them happy. This is the future, and RSS is the first step.

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