The Most Important Feature of a CMS is…
The most important feature of a CMS is often considered to be the community size and support, ease of use, expandability, availability of add-ons, licensing types, and security. However, the ability to adapt the system to the user’s requirements is also considered crucial. Additionally, the most important feature of any CMS is likely to be semantic web and ontology compliance.
Generated by Azure AI on June 24, 2024LinkedIn: Answers: What’s the most important feature that you look for in a CMS?: A simple question posed on the LinkedIn. Some good answers, and worth reading for a CMS junkie.
Community size and support, ease of use, expandability of the CMS, the amount of available “add ons”, licensing types, and most of all -SECURITY and how issues are handled when they arise. […]
Fit for purpose […]
I think ADAPTABILITY would need to be the most important feature – the ability for the user to have the system adapted to his/her requirements quickly and easily by the developer. […]
The single most important, and often overlooked, feature of any CMS is ease-of-use for content editors and other end users. […]
This one seems a little out in left field.
As a chief of technical development of our CMS (Xmanager) I may say that the most important feature of a CMS is semantic web and ontology compliance.
Wow. Seriously? That’s “the most important feature of a CMS”?