Content tagged with “non-profits”
There are 7 item(s) tagged with “non-profits” on this site.
Other tags used by these items: business, faith
“A practical book about fundraising – it explains the step-by-step process of setting appointments, laying out your case, and asking for money. If you’re nervous about fund-raising, I don’t think this book will help. It has a number of scripted exchanges that, frankly, freaked me out a little and…”

“A short, excellent book about fundraising for faith-based causes. It presents a new paradigm of fund-raising, more focused on the giver than the gift. It runs the risk of perhaps being too idealized, and it’s business fiction, which comes with all the risks of being stilted and awkward (it’s guilty…”

“Excellent book about the inadvertent damage we do when trying to help. It discusses how to help other communities and countries without accidentally making things worse – how to help in such a way that you build the community itself up, instead of just throwing money and volunteer hours at…”