My New Content Modeling Book

From Issue #35

I accidentally wrote another book. It started as a post, but ran long, eventually topping out at 50,000 words: “Real World Content Modeling: A Field Guide to CMS Features and Architecture.”

I’m using Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, which I’ve been impressed with. I tweeted a short video of a proof that I got.

It’s a 220-page book, and my printing cost is $3.45. I actually wrote the book in Markdown, which is transformed by MarkDig with a few custom extensions. I used Scriban for block-level templating, Wyam/Statiq for assembly, then transformed to PDF via Prince using the W3C Paged Media Spec (my thanks to Rachel Andrews for this great article). Amazon takes the PDF, and I get a proof in a couple days.

It’s priced at $9.99. Otherwise, it should be on Amazon by November.

This is item #172 in a sequence of 305 items.

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