The Win Without Pitching Manifesto

Book review by Deane Barker tags: sales, business

A remarkable book about how to take the power back in the professional services relationship. Instead of chasing after clients, make them chase after you. The book is 12 principles, from “We Will Specialize” to “We Will Hold Our Heads High.”

The book is a rejection of the love of creative work as a substitute for compensation. Sure, we love what we do for a living, but we need to get paid and stop apologizing for this as if wanting to be compensated for our time is a bad thing.

Time will tell if it all works. It might be hard to put these principles into action for some organizations because they’ll be fighting against expectations they’ve already established with clients. Additionally, you have to be ready to walk away from some deals and lose some work. A lot of firms wouldn’t be ready to do that.

Book Info

Blair Enns
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