Content tagged with "javascript"

jQuery Cookbook: Solutions & Examples for jQuery Developers
Deane’s Library
Book Review
July 6, 2015

“I started reading this all the way through, but – like most ‘Cookbook’ titles – it gets increasingly esoteric later on. Still, a very good book which helps you get a grasp on jQuery through considerable examples. Many examples are incredibly basic, which means the books functions well as an…”

What is Node?
Deane’s Library
You Don’t Know JS: this & Object Prototypes
Deane’s Library
Book Review
May 28, 2019

“Deeply opinionated book that is violently opposed to the use of JS as an object-oriented language. It’s well-written, and has clear information and code samples, but the author is pushing an agenda which gets a little tiresome. I felt like I had to decide: do I believe the entire design team behind…”