Saturday Night: A Backstage History of Saturday Night Live

TLDR: “Fascinating, well-researched – hard to put down”

Book review by Deane Barker tags: snl, television

This is an excellent, detailed history of the first 10 years of Saturday Night Live. I was surprised it only covered the first 10 years, but then I further surprised to find that it was written in 1986.

(Apparently this book was a tell-all scandal back then. I was reading the Wikipedia page for Gilda Radner, and it mentioned the book as “highly-publicized” and how it had revealed her eating disorder to the world.)

The book is fundamentally about people – the group that started the show, and how they changed and related over those first five years, especially. Some random notes:

The book spends a lot of time on the cast politics. SNL back on those years seemed like a hotbed of intrigue and drama. There was a lot of sexism – the women didn’t feel like they were heard and couldn’t get their sketches on air. John and Dan were known as the “Bully Boys” because they always seemed to get their way.

And Lorne was always fighting with the network. He would go over budget, would argue with the censors, would actively make fun of the head of NBC (whomever it was at the time). He went out of his way to make trouble, it seemed like. A cast member’s relationship with Lorne often went up and down, and it vastly affected how they worked on the show. Everyone was obsessed with what Lorne was doing, who he liked, and who he didn’t. It was like a wildly dysfunctional parental relationship.

The entire show was always broiling over with intrigue and hurt feelings. No one seemed to be having a good time, other than all the drugs they were doing (drugs that would kill John Belushi in 1982). Even when this book was written in 1985, several of the original cast members were described as having some level of PTSD-type symptoms from their time on the show.

Great book, all-around. Fascinating, well-researched. Comprehensive.

I loved it.

Book Info

Doug Hill, Jeff Weingrad
  • I have read this book. According to my records, I completed it on .
  • A hardcover copy of this book is currently in my home library.

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