Content tagged with “reading” under “My Library”
There are 8 item(s) tagged with “reading” in this section.
See items tagged with “reading” across the entire site.
Other tags used by these items: books, bible, faith, literature
“Kind of an odd book, honestly. It’s really a meditation on reading in all its forms. Each chapter covers a different aspect of reading: Being Read To, The Author As Reader, etc. What it didn’t seem to be was an actual ‘history of reading,’ as the title suggested. That doesn’t mean it’s bad, it’s…”

“This is a classic instruction manual that does what it says on the cover – it explains the different ways one might read a book. Specifically, there are four levels: Elementary Reading Inspectional Reading (divided into Skimming or Prereading, and Superficial Reading) Analytical Reading Synoptical…”

“An interesting guide to how to interpret fiction. You know those classes in college where the professor talked and talked about a book and got so many weird interpretations of it that you were wondering if you had read the same book? Well, this book tries to give you some insight on that process….”

“This is a very light, fun book that profiles 100 famous works from history and why they matter – what larger life lesson can we draw from them. Each work is given a quick summary of both the plot and the lesson. For example, here’s Crime and Punishment (a book I did not care for, incidentally):…”