Content tagged with “drupal” under “My Library”

There are 3 item(s) tagged with “drupal” in this section.

See items tagged with “drupal” across the entire site.

Other tags used by these items: content-management, programming

Drupal for Designers
Book Review
June 27, 2014
Drupal for Humanists
Book Review
April 10, 2017

“Good book for what it is. If you know Drupal, you’ll be bored. But if you have no idea what a CMS is, this is a good overview. There is zero code. This is all ‘Drupal by configuration,’ which is a school of thought which may or may not appeal to you. Gets bogged down in individual module…”

Programmer’s Guide to Drupal
Deane’s Library
Book Review
July 11, 2014

“ If you’re a developer and you just never ‘got’ Drupal, this is your book. If this book succeeds at one thing, it’s to change your mindset about Drupal – to understand the different paradigms you need to adopt to work with it. Highly recommended in that sense. ”