
By Deane Barker

The word is one of two combinations:

  1. PROducer and conSUMER
  2. PROfessional and conSUMER

The former definition is someone that both produces and consumes a commodity. The most common example I found is home solar power generators who consume electricity, but also send excess back to the gird. I couldn’t find a lot of definitions outside this one.

The latter seems more common. It refers to a sophisticated buyer – or at least a buyer who wants very high-end, professional-level products. The most common definition was in electronics – these are “audiophiles” or “photography geeks” who buy the same gear as professionals, but don’t use it to make money. They are just serious hobbyists, or perceive themselves as such.

Why I Looked It Up

It came up at work. A client wanted to create a new web presence which was targeted as “prosumers.”

(They were a lighting company, which is a little weird. I was never totally clear what the word meant in relationship to home lighting.)

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