
By Deane Barker

This is one of those words that means a lot of different things, depending on the specific domain. But the general definition – as the word would imply – is “more than one.”

Consider that the Wikipedia page is basically just disambiguation for all the different ways it might be used. You get:

  • Political pluralism: the belief that more than one political system can be effective
  • Philosophical pluralism: the belief that the world is made up of many things
  • Religious pluralism: the belief that many different religious views are valid

I searched for “the opposite of pluralism,” and several resources suggested words like:

  • monoism
  • homogeniety
  • sameness

Also, I noted several definitions of pluralism referring to ethnic divesity, so this might be a common usage of the word. Here’s one, for example:

If you believe in pluralism, you believe that people of all races, classes, religions, and backgrounds should be able to get along on equal footing in society.

Why I Looked It Up

From a review of a movie about a teacher struggle to control her classroom:

Taking on the uneasy complexity of a progressive society, and the friction produced when pluralism and an insistence on order and obedience colleide…

The implication is that pluralism means there are lots of ways of doing things, but “order and obedience” has only one path.

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