Content tagged with “biology” under “Stuff I Looked Up”
There are 4 item(s) tagged with “biology” in this section.
See items tagged with “biology” across the entire site.
Other tags used by these items: medicine, pseudo-science
“This is a biological feature that reappears after being absent for sometime – usually many generations. For example, every once in a while, a human is born with a tail stump, or covered in fur. Additionally, very rarely, someone will find a whale with legs. Socially, an atavism can refer to…”
“This categorizes the surface of red blood cells present in blood. Different blood types have red blood cells with different surface receptors. The profile of these receptors cause the body to recognize or reject cells as ‘belonging.’ If it rejects them, the body will fight off the foreign red blood…”
“This is the set of observable characteristics of an organism, includes it’s physical properties, how it develops, it’s behaviors. Essentially, this is the set of markers that make Thing A different from Thing B. This things may be caused on genetic makeup (the ‘genotype’), or they may be caused by…”
“This is a discredited ‘science’ that studied the shape of a human’s skull, believing it could reveal aspects of their personality or mental makeup. There was a slight racial component, in that the skulls of different races have subtle, yet consistent, shape differences, leading some to believe…”