Content tagged with “acronym” under “Stuff I Looked Up”
There are 2 item(s) tagged with “acronym” in this section.
See items tagged with “acronym” across the entire site.
Other tags used by these items: politics, finance, slang
“TARP – the Troubled Asset Relief Program – was the famous ‘$700 billion bailout’ that the U.S. government undertook in 2008 to try and stave off the mortgage crisis. The crisis that led to this program was the basis for the book (and movie) Too Big To Fail . Did the government lose $700 billion?…”
“This is an acronym for ‘The End Of The World As We Know It.’ It’s a phrase used in the prepping and survivalist communities to refer to the hypothetical period in time where civilization breaks down. From a page about prepping : Inside the prepping world there is a habit of streamlining complex and…”