Arrested Development

By Deane Barker tags: entertainment

A celebration of a great TV show.

In this post, the author reflects on the challenges of software development and the phenomenon of “arrested development,” where projects stall due to various obstacles. He discusses the importance of adaptability, clear communication, and continuous learning to overcome these barriers. The post emphasizes the need to recognize when a project is faltering and encourages developers to pivot effectively to foster progress and innovation.

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People who know me claim (erroneously), that I’m prone to hyperbole, which is ridiculous. However, I do want to make this one, modest claim:

Arrested Development is the funniest show in the history of all television.

I kid you not. It’s redefined comedy for me. I want to take this moment to apologize for not watching it when it was on. I’ve made a huge mistake.

I just finished watching the entire series on Hulu. I started three months or so ago, and worked through every one of the 53 episodes, finishing up tonight. I’m so sad that it’s over, but so happy I finished it.

Here’s what made it so utterly brilliant.

Do yourself a favor – go over to Hulu and just start watching. Without commercials and the end credits, episodes are only about 20 minutes, so it’s not a huge time commitment.

The very first episode will hook you just as soon as Lindsey sees some guy on the gay protest boat wearing a blouse like hers and you find out how it got there. Trust me on this.

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