
By Deane Barker

I’ve been working out at CrossFit Sioux Falls since 2012. In 2014, I became a “Level 1” certified CrossFit coach. From 2015 to 2022, I ran the open gym on Sundays, and coached a WOD for 3-4 of those years. I also run the partner WOD on the last Saturday of each month.

In addition to the Saturday and (former) Sunday workouts, my schedule means I end up working out by myself a lot (I workout alone far more than I do with a class, unfortunately). And my teenage daughter also works out at the gym, and she’s constantly asking me for workouts.

So, in late 2020, I started collecting workouts here. This is a combination of (1) workouts I’ve written for others (mainly for Sunday open gym), and (2) workouts I’ve done on my own.

A couple notes:

Finally, it might be worth reading a related blog post called “Doing CrossFit” where I make the argument that CrossFit isn’t really a concrete thing, so calling something a “CrossFit workout” doesn’t make a lot of sense.

Enjoy. Stay safe.

