Activity 2: Markdown Formatting
Turn in a Markdown document which replicates the following formatting.
- Don’t worry about fonts or colors.
- You can use any target for the hyperlink, but I will judge you on creativity (just kidding)
- You must use a picture of a cat (link to an external file)
- The main title is an H1; the subheader is an H2
Here are two online Markdown editors that are quite easy to use.
The text doesn’t really matter – just put paragraphs where they should be, and lists where they should be. But, if you want the exact text, here it is:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin faucibus posuere est, sed porta urna. Suspendisse bibendum turpis quis leo accumsan laoreet sit amet at felis. Duis sollicitudin mauris ac urna mattis, vel malesuada mi posuere.
Nullam id vestibulum elit. Vivamus elit nunc, luctus at sapien a, laoreet pharetra sem. Phasellus gravida ipsum lorem, ut euismod sapien convallis sed. Quisque dapibus mi eu lectus eleifend, a consectetur orci maximus. Curabitur varius et sem ut porttitor.
Suspendisse potenti. Fusce volutpat faucibus lacus. Integer elementum leo vel leo pulvinar fermentum. Duis arcu massa, fringilla ut elit interdum, venenatis sodales lorem.