Opti CMS Webhooks
What It Is
A system for issuing outbound webhooks from Opti CMS in response to content eventsStatus
Last Reviewed:
I handed this off to a customer, and I believe they implemented it. I never did anything after building it.
This is the “missing” webhook server from Opti CMS. That system has depended mainly on integration in C# code, so there was never an official way to issue remote webhooks to other systems.
This system allows you to specify outbound HTTP requests to make when content of a particular type if created, saved, edited, or deleted.
It could be configured from code, or from the UI – there’s a provided block type which allows you to specify webhooks as a managed content object.
The system is well-architected and completely service-based. You can re-implemented and inject any of the services. It’s wildly extensible (maybe too extensible?).
Lots of documentation at the repo link.